Proud in Equipping Safe Roads!

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Thermoplastic Road Marking

It is a hot melt marking paint or powder paint that is used as reflective and is also wear-resisting

Crash Barrier

Crash Barrier

A road safety system that prevents vehicles from accidents from walls, buildings and also prevents from encountering accidents.



Indiacates pieces of information such as route, distance in km, etc.

Safety Accessories

Safety Accessories

All types of safety accessories to be used in highway to regulate the road users in safety


We supply our products to NHAI Projects,State Highways, Local Roads, Smart Cities Projects, Bharatmala Projects & Export business

Thermoplastic Road marking

It is a hot melt marking paint or powder paint that is used as reflective and is also wear-resisting

Metal Crash Barrier

A road safety system that prevents vehicles from accidents from walls, buildings and also prevents from encountering accidents


Studs are flashing solar cell powered LED lights that guide the vehicles to follow the road markings


Indiacates pieces of information such as route, distance in km, etc.

Barricade Tape

A bright-colored tape to warn the passerby to avoid the possible hazards of that particular area.

Cautionary Signs

These signboards indicate the hazards on roads ahead.

Blinker Lamps

These are the lamps that blink light to indicate a sign regarding route or any hazardous situations

Kerb Painting

Kerb Painting refers to painting the medians/kerb of the road

Safety Accessories

All types of safety accessories to be used in highway to regulate the road users in safety

Road Safety Systems and Thermoplastic Road Marking

We supply our products to NHAI Projects,State Highways, Local Roads, Smart Cities Projects, Bharatmala Projects & Export business

Thermoplastic Road Marking

It is a hot melt marking paint or powder paint that is used as reflective and is also wear-resisting

Metal Crash Barrier

A road safety system that prevents vehicles from accidents from walls, buildings and also prevents from encountering accidents


Studs are flashing solar cell powered LED lights that guide the vehicles to follow the road markings


Indiacates pieces of information such as route, distance in km, etc.

Thermoplastic Road Marking

Thermoplastic road marking stands as a paramount road marking system, employing thermoplastic materials to craft robust and enduring road markings. These markings are pivotal in steering and managing traffic, bolstering road safety, and elevating the general quality of road infrastructure. Embraced globally, thermoplastic road markings have gained prominence owing to their myriad advantages over conventional approaches.

  • Durability and Longevity
  • Quick Curing Time
  • Environment Friendly
Pavement marking materials

Metal Crash Barrier

Metal crash barriers, also known as guardrails or safety barriers, are crucial components of road infrastructure designed to enhance safety by preventing vehicles from leaving the roadway or colliding with obstacles. Here are important points about metal crash barriers: write this in different ways

  • Defenders Against Collisions
  • Adaptability to Road Dynamics
  • Collision Energy Management
Lane marking systems


Signboards are essential elements of road infrastructure that convey important information to drivers and pedestrians. Here are important points about signboards.

  • Reflectivity and Visibility
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Color Codes and Symbols.
Traffic calming measures

Safety Accessories

Road safety is a critical concern worldwide, and ensuring the well-being of all road users is a shared responsibility. Safety accessories play a pivotal role in minimizing risks and preventing accidents on the road. From pedestrians to motorists, everyone can benefit from the use of these accessories. In this article, we will explore the importance of safety accessories on the road and highlight key points to keep in mind for a safer journey.

  • Visibility and Awareness
  • Enhanced Road Communication
  • Promotion of Responsible Behaviour
Roadway safety products